Warm Corn Salad with Tomatoes, Feta & Cilantro


I try the best that I can to eat produce when it’s the peak of the season. The local sweet corn I’ve been able to find at the grocery store has been so delicious, I can’t get enough. Food just tastes so much better when it’s fresh - and I’ve found that there’s really no replacement for fresh, high quality ingredients when cooking.


When I’m in a major rush and corn is on the menu, I usually either throw the whole cob on the grill or slice off the kernels and pan-fry in melted butter. When I have a few more minutes to spare, this warm corn salad is a recipe that always hits the spot. It’s full of some of my favorite Mexican flavors; cumin, cilantro and lime. It’s a little bit smoky and spicy, but that’s evened out with the tart lime juice and fresh cilantro.

I start by shucking the corn, then slicing off the raw kernels. I find this is preferable to slicing the corn after it’s cooked, because it’s usually too hot to touch and a lot of the juice get’s squeezed out inadvertently. I then cook the kernels in a little butter in a skillet, until all the kernels become a little more transparent but still have a juicy crunch. While the corn is cooking I mix together the oil, spices and lime juice. When the corn is done cooking I let it cool for a few minutes, then I add it to the rest of the ingredients and mix well. the final step is to add the cilantro and feta. SO delicious, and so versatile that it’s perfect for a big cookout or a weeknight side.


Serves: 4 | Prep: 25 min. | Author: Liz Genders

warm corn salad with tomatoes, feta & cilantro

4 ears sweet corn

butter, for cooking

1 pint cherry tomatoes, halved

2 tsp. cumin

1 tsp. paprika

juice of 1 lime

1/3 cup olive oil

1/4 cup cilantro, chopped

1/4 cup feta cheese, crumbled


Begin by shucking the corn. Using a sharp knife, cut off the kernels from the cob, trying your best to cut as much of the kernel as possible. Place a medium-sized skillet over medium-high heat and melt 1-2 Tbs. of butter. Add the corn to the skillet, and cook until just transparent. Let cool. Meanwhile, mix the cumin, paprika, lime juice. Slowly add the olive oil, whisking to combine and emulsify. Add the tomatoes, cooked corn, cilantro and feta. Stir well and serve warm!


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